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Selling Sunset’s Christine Quinn Shares How Haters FUEL Her Success | DRIVE! | E! News Series – WP Money Blog Starter
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Selling Sunset’s Christine Quinn Shares How Haters FUEL Her Success | DRIVE! | E! News Series

Netflix’s "Selling Sunset" alum Christine Quinn gives an inside look at her lux Lamborghini Urus. Christine gets candid about her struggles with self-confidence, not graduating high school and becoming a boss bitch. Then, get to know the real Christine Quinn as she answers questions about: where in Texas is she from, has she had Botox or breast augmentation, which Oppenheim brother is her favorite, Brett or Jason–and what would make her give up real estate forever? Find out this and more in our "0 to 60" speed round. Watch!

#ChristineQuinn #Lamborghini #DRIVE #ENews

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About DRIVE!:
Each week our host, Austin J. Mills, rides along with your favorite celebrities to get an inside look at their custom rides. As they hit the streets, we’ll discover everything from what drove them to success to what truly revs their engine. We’re also going from "0 to 60" in a speed round of questions that puts our guest in the hot seat!

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Selling Sunset’s Christine Quinn Shares How Haters FUEL Her Success | DRIVE! | E! News Series

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